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Jl. Bahagia 54
Jakarta, Indonesia
July 24, 2006
Modern Supply Center
(att. Mr. Sulaiman Tan)
P.O. Box 1234
Bandung 44560
Dear Mr. Tan:
The MGM Collection Agency has been authorized by the PT. Aneka Plastik to collect from you the long-past-due amount of $30,000.00. It is our understanding that you have not responded to any previous claims for payment, and we are therefore prepared to seek immediate collection.
This letter should serve as official notice to you that unless you contact us within 10 days from the date of this letter to make satisfactory arrangements for payment in full or by installment, we will initiate collection proceedings.
Yours very truly,
Suhandoko, S.H.
- The MGM Collection Agency has been authorized by the PT. Aneka Plastik…= The MGM Collecyion Agency telah dikuasakan oleh PT. Aneka Plastik…
- … to collect from you the long-past-due amount of $30,000.00. = … untuk menagih dari anda sejumlah 30.000,00 yang telah lama sekali jatuh tempo.
- It is our understanding that you have not responded to any previous claims for payment, …= Kami mengetahui bahwa anda tidak menanggapi tuntutan pembayaran terdahulu,…
- …and we are therefore prepared to seek immediate collection. = … dan oleh karena itu kami siap meminta pembayaran segera…
- This letter should serve as official notice to you that… = Surat ini berlaku sebagai peringatan resmi terhadap anda bahwa…
- …unless you contact us within 10 days from the date of this letter…= kecuali anda menghubungi kami dalam waktu 10 hari sejak tanggal surat ini…
- …to make satisfactory arrangements for payment in full or by installment,… = … untuk membuat pengaturan pembayaran yang memuaskan secara keseluruhan atau mengangsur,…
- …we will initiate collection proceedings. = … kami akan mengajukan penagihan melalui tuntutan hukum.
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