P.O. Box 435
Jakarta 334477
January 28, 2007
Sanjaya Finance
(att. Mr. Sukarman Umar)P.O. Box 435
Jakarta 334477
January 28, 2007
Sanjaya Finance
Jl. Puri Cendana 57
Dear Mr. Umar
An unexpected complication in my travel schedule is going to prevent me from meeting you on Wednesday, January 30. However, I’m free on Wednesday, February 7. Would it be convenient for you to meet me then in my office at our Horizon Building about 2:00 p.m?
I’m sorry I can’t keep our original date, but I hope next Wednesday will be convenient for you. Could you have your secretary to telephone my office to let me know?
Thank you very much. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.
Victor L. Lopez
- An unexpected complication in my travel schedule… = suatu kesulitan yang tak terduga dalam jadual perjalanan saya…
- …is going to prevent me from meeting you on Wednesday, January 30... = ..akan menghalangi saya bertemu Anda pada hari Rabu 30 Jauari.
- However, I’m free on Wednesday, February 7. = Akan tetapi, saya lowong pada hari Sabtu 7 Februari.
- Would it be convenient for you = Apakah cocok untuk Anda?
- …to meet me then in my office at our Horizon Building about 2:00 p.m?= bertemu saya pada waktu tersebut di kantorsaya di gedung Horizon kami sekitar pukul 14.00?
- I’m sorry I can’t keep our original date, = Saya mohon maaf karena saya tidak dapat menepati tanggal semula,..
- …but I hope next Wednesday will be convenient for you. = …tetapi saya berharap Rabu minggu depan akan cocok untuk Anda.
- Could you have your secretary to telephone my office to let me know?= Dapatkah Anda meminta sekretaris Anda menelefon kator saya untuk mengabari saya?
- Thank you very much. = Terima kasih banyak.
- I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.= Saya berharap dapat bertemu dengan Anda segera.
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